Tomato Cultivation IIHR

by ICAR - IIHR, Bangalore karnataka



The mobile app on “Tomato cultivation” is developed at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, for the benefit of farmers and stakeholders involved in Tomato cultivation. The application includes crop production, Varieties, Disease management and pest management aspects. The crop production module includes soil & climate requirement, Land preparation, Use of bio agents, Nursery raising and seed rate, Transplanting, Drip irrigation, Fertilizers and Fertigation, Inter-cultivation, staking and weeding, Mulching and Foliar nutrition. The disease management modules provides various disease such as, Damping-off of seedlings, Early blight, Late blight, Powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt, Bacterial wilt, Tomato leaf curl virus, Septoria leaf spot, Spotted wilt disease and Blossom-end rot affecting tomato crop are provided along with its management / control measures.The pest management modules comprises of infestation of Fruit borer, Leaf Miner, White fly and Red Spider mites etc. The above modules includes its images and control measures for the users to manage their crop. Further it also includes Integrated Disease management, Integrated Pest management at various stages viz., Nursery, transplantation and at main field conditions of crop cultivation.Further, IIHR released Tomato varieties and other promising varieties suitable for Rain fed, processing, Bacterial wilt and TLCV also provided for the benefit of farmers and stakeholders involved in Tomato cultivation.